Backyard Gardening

Backyard Gardening

Backyard Gardening

Backyard Gardening

17 May, 2024

With the support of FCSS and the Federal Government, NCSC is once again facilitating a backyard gardening program tailored for interested seniors in the community (55+ years). This year, we are also extending the opportunity to a limited number of non-seniors. Please click on the link below to access the registration form and secure your spot by May 17, 2024.
Interested candidates will be contacted with details regarding the date and time for seed and manure pick-up. For additional information, please call NCSC at 587.352.6272.
We provide: 
  • Manure
  • Seeds
  • Award for the best performers
We expect:
  • Commitment
  • Active involvement
  • Seeds contribution if you have excess
Registration link: