Resource Center
During the 2016 Annual General Meeting, NCSC board members passed a resolution of acquiring a physical facility. The main source of the fund for the physical facility is from Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC), Province of Alberta, other sources comprise donations from NCSC members and non-members and donation campaigns to raise funds for the project since 2016. NCSC has officially possessed a commercial bay in January 2020 and the facility is now fully operational for the community to organize different activities per the need of the community members.

Help-Desk Program at NCSC
Operated by NCSC Staff and Executives in 2022, NCSC runs Help-Desk 7 days a week (9 AM to 4 PM) to provide settlement services to the needy community members including recent immigrants, and parents and grandparents in visiting visa/super visa program. Help-Desk provides referrals to the clients based on their diverse need. Services like making applications for the government programs, printing, resume and cover letter preparation, printing etc. are also provided by the desk.